Monday, February 27, 2012


TTC is such an emotional roller coaster.. We are back in the game and I have mixed feelings about it. We bought a new baby dad and feel really good about him. In fact our clinic let's us keep 3 vials in house for 6 months. So, while I hope this go around will be a one hit wonder we did buy 3.

So my period after the miscarriage was right on time and we went back to the clinic to get clomid which is what I took the last time I got pregnant. So on day 3 of my cycle I started it and tomorrow is 14 days. I've been using OPK's but no positives yet. I am thinking Wednesday or Thursday will be our day.

I am having mixed feelings about it... excited and sad. Sad because we should not be at this point already. I should be 4 months pregnant and getting ready to find out the sex of the baby. Excited that I still get to do this and try again. I've decided I need to be EXCITED and ready to make this happen. I know good things are in our future.