The We made it to the 12 week mark. I've not posted for a while because I felt like such a Debbie-downer. Being pregnant has been so much more difficult than I thought emotionally wise. I have constant anxiety and am driving my poor wifey nuts. I will try to be more positive.
On Thursday we had an appointment and silly me thought I had to drink a ton of water for my first ever belly ultrasound. About 40 min prior to leaving my bladder was killing me and I felt like I was leaking. So I went to the bathroom and there was some blood on my little panty liner and when I wiped. Well I freaked out. Freaked the wifey out too. Thank goodness we were on our way to the doctors. I cried the whole way there. I was a mess when we got there. I told the nurse assistant and once the doctor came in she immediately did the ultrasound. Again my bladder was full and uncomfortable. It took the nurse practitioner a second but she found the baby bouncing around and wifey says she saw the heartbeat. I started to cry and asked if she was sure. Since my bladder was so full she allowed me to use the restroom and when I can back we got another look and heard the heartbeat. What a relief. The baby is still measuring behind. This time by 5 days which still worries me. The NP said everything looked fine and we continued on with the appointment.
The spotting continued and then a piece of dark red tissue passed that afternoon It was small so i know it was not the baby. plus i did not have any cramping. i had a dark red/brown discharge through Saturday morning and then it stopped. I took Friday off and rested all weekend. I hope this does not happen again.
We do not go back till the 17th of July but that's just to hear the heartbeat no picture. Kaiser does not do the big gender ultrasound till 17 or 18 weeks but radiology hardly had any appointments we don't go ti August 6th - 19 weeks. Can't wait.
Wishing everyone baby dust!!!
I leave you with our latest ultrasound picture!