Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Our Road to Motherhood - the very begining (warning... maybe too much TMI)

We are at the very begining of the road to motherhood. We've talked about having a family for a few years and we said before I am 30 (okay well I said before I am 30). We have our names picked out and we talk a lot about when we become moms, but the process has not begun.

I explained the process to my partner... picture sex ed classes - okay, just kidding... but the way we have to concieve is very different from the way heterosexual couples will make their little bundle of joy. After a year of looking on the internet, I think I have found the bank I want to use. Now the question is, do we do IUI in a doctors office or try at home insemination first. Cost is a factor, but I do not want to waste money on at home insemination if my chances are better in an office.

So, Thursday I have my an OBGYN appointment... I've not had one in years!! I plan on talking with the nurse practictioner and getting the paper worked signed for the bank.

This is an exciting and scary process. I want a baby so bad and feel my biological clock ticking, but then I read way too much and see that some couples get preganant right away; while others spend years and lots of mula trying. Well, we do not have lots of mula and the thought of years is discouraging. But I have to remain positive and remember how blessed I am and that when the time is right we will get our child.

So begins the journey!!

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