Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Morning Happiness

Good Morning Blog World!!! This morning when I logged on I noticed a lot going on in our little corner of the world and I want to take a moment and acknowledge a few. First - CONGRATULATIONS to Shells and Trouble at who got their BFP last Friday. I am always looking for new blogs and stumbled upon theirs a few weeks ago. Second - I want to wish Lex at luck and sticky vibes on her IUI today!! Lex will be one week ahead of me in the TWW. I believe I will have my LH surge on Thursday for my IUI on Friday -- secretly I am hoping the my LH surge will occur Friday for the IUI on Saturday because Saturday is my Birhtday and I am turning the big 30.

Last year I made a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30 and the first item on the list was get pregnant. Technically, I did accomplish this back in November, but sadly we lost our little peanut. So wouldn't it be wonderful if I got pregnant on my 30th Birthday??? Plus, we would find out on Mother's Day weekend and the baby would be born at the end of January, beginning of February and Wifey's birthday is February. So, I am hoping all of this will lead to the stars aligning and for the egg and sperm to meet this month.

On May 4th we go in for our injectables class. Should things not work this month we've talked about trying this next step next month. I know I said we are going to take a break... but I can not think about taking a break yet... I feel so close to my BFP. I think we should try one round with injectables should this month not work and then re-evaluate. I also have thoughts on 2 back to back IUI's but I want to discuss that later and separately.

Cheers to the start of a great birthday week!!!

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