Friday, March 22, 2013

It must be the medications...

Because I have been feeling very down and emotional. This whole process still boggles my mind and has me mad at my body. Why couldn't my body get pregnant without so much medical intervention and will I even get pregnant? I keep trying to push these thoughts out but they keep plaguing my mind.

This Sunday I start the stim meds. Right now I am only doing 10ml of Lupron and I feel depressed and a little hormonally unbalanced... I am scared for how I am going to feel next week. Thank goodness I had an interview for a management job this week who knows if next week I will be able to keep my composure and not break out in tears.

Wishing everyone out in blog land on this crazy adventure sticky vibes and baby dust!!!


  1. I remember being very emotional in the beginning. Hang in there, it will all be worth it in the end :)

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself or your partner-this road is hard and has its ups and downs but it gets better. You're getting close!
