Friday, March 8, 2013

No turning back...

First let me apologize for the play by play, but years from now I want to look back and remember this process. I subscribe to a feed on FB about positivity and this morning I was greeted with "Don't let anyone stop you from pursuing what you want to achieve. Life will test you to see how serious you are about pursuing a particular path. Sooner or later, you may face negative feedback. If you do, remember not to let anyone crush your dream."

Luckily for me, I not really faced in one being negative on my dream. I have surrounded myself with people who accept and support me. But this quote really did remind me to not give up on what I want. I want a baby more than anything!! I feel like life has tested me and sometimes I get mad that my body did not keep my first pregnancy nor could it do what it needed to do in later tries. But then I am so thankful and humble that we get to try IVF!! Some do not get to this point and I feel blessed to have the resources (a credit card) to try this!! I know my dream will come true; I just need to remain patient and there's no turning back now, the medicine has been ordered. The total cost of the meds came out to $2150. Cheaper than expected so that was really nice!!!

I am so excited and anxious. This month seems like it is going so slow. I can't wait to be knee deep in this process and closer to a positive pregnancy stick.

Speaking of which, I am not sure if I will test on a stick or wait till our beta. I am sure Wifey will want to wait, but I know I will want to know and could become obsessed with the sticks.

It seems surreal to be at this point!!! April please hurry up and get here.


  1. Sending positive thoughts your way! April will be here before you know it. :)

  2. april was my stim & retrieval month, hoping the month brings you everything you hope for! we'll be thinking of you!

  3. Yay! My wife and I are doing IVF in April as well!(our first try) Positivity is your best friend on this crazy ride. Here's to big things in April and I look forward to following your journey!

